Saturday, July 11, 2009

What is wrong with picture 1

So, look over the first picture - what is wrong? I'll tell you at the end of today's post. It's not the 'stand alone' base cabinet. That's just waiting to be installed. It's something else.

More cabinets are up (see pix 1 - stove wall. Pix 2 - fridge wall). They expect to finish up Monday. The templaters will be here Wednesday to measure for the counter tops. Then we wait. If we're lucky, it'll be a week before they are delivered. If we're not lucky - could be 2-3 weeks. We don't know yet if Dan will be here working on odds and ends while we wait, or if he'll just wait and wrap it all up the same week the counter tops come in. We'll find out on Monday.

We still don't know for certain, since we have not unpacked it yet, but Susan tells us that the 2nd shelf for the cabinet going where the old railing used to be, is packed in with the top for that cabinet. Dan can bore the holes to make both shelves adjustable - so that problem is not a problem anymore.

The blotchy sink panel may not be a problem either. Dan said to reserve judgement until the cabinet was installed in its new home to see how it looks. And it seems to look OK. Final decision will be made once the counter tops are installed.

Did you see the problem? We didn't until we got an email from Susan explaining that the corner base cabinet is the wrong size - the left side as you're looking at it is 3" too short. (Manufacturer error) It should line up with the cabinet above it. We immediately called Kitchen Studio for a more detailed explanation, since we did not understand how the templaters could measure for counter tops when the cabinet was the wrong size. We talked to Deb, who was most helpful. She assures us this will not be an issue for the templaters. She says it's the corner measurement and the way the wall is, that concerns them. Dan will tell them it needs to be 3" longer on that side, and they will be able to adjust. We're a bit nervous, but these folks do this for a living and they know more than we do abut the process. The correct base cabinet should be delivered in time for the counter top installation, so this problem should not cause a delay.

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