Saturday, August 8, 2009

Week 7 draws to a close

We're at the end of Week 7. Most of the mess in the Living Room has been cleared. The kitchen table is back where it belongs - in the kitchen. The coffee pot is out of the bathroom! YAY.

We have lots of empty boxes to dispose of. Luckily, a friend of a friend is moving and will be more than happy to take the empties off of our hands.

As we unpack, we are finding things we just don't want anymore. And, luckily another friend is having a garage sale in a couple of weeks - and she will take the white elephants. Problem solved.

Dan will need to seal the back splash grout/tile before we can move the toaster oven, microwave #2, etc. back into the kitchen. Until that happens, I can't really finish the dining room clean up. We're still using the temporary light over the kitchen table (See 8/02 pix) - but we did find and order a replacement fan and light fixture yesterday. The salesman said it takes 7-10 days for the fan to come in. Then we need to schedule the installation. I'm guessing it'll be early September before we see it. We have a Casa Blanca fan in there now, but we've had so many issues with the fan not working due to voltage that is in spec for ComEd, but out of spec for Casa Blanca - we decided to junk the darn thing and buy new. Emerson is the brand of choice. It's not supposed to have any voltage issues. I sure hope so.

We do have a new Change Order, submitted to Dan yesterday. I have not heard back on when and how much to do it. The outlet and phone jack that were installed on the wall by the Divider Cabinet are eyesores. We didn't like it when they were put there, but decided to hold off until the phone actually got moved to see what it looked like. Terrible. So we've asked Dan to move them both to the wall behind the couch near the baseboard. We'll still have wires showing, but not the two 'uglies'. I doubt that will take place Monday when Dan is here to seal the backsplash, and poly the stained wood. But I can dream, can't I?

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